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TMHS Weekly Email 12/20/2024

Posted Date: 12/20/24 (7:37 PM)

TMHS Weekly Email
December 20, 2024
It's BREAK!!!!!!
Ladies & Gents we have made it to break.
The bell has rung, finals are completed, PowerSchool will be back up and running at 4pm today, and Elvis has left the building! Or at least Buddy the Elf!
This email is short and sweet as we know that you have many obligations and events to attend to!
To check your student's final grades you will log in thru the PowerSchool Parent Portal. Middle School does not send out paper report cards, High School will send out transcripts in the mail.
If you have issues with PowerSchool you can submit a help desk ticket at
The school will be closed starting at 3:30 today and we will be ready to rock January 6th. Please be aware that our staff will also be enjoying a well deserved break and may not be checking or responding to email.
We wish you all the merriment of the season and a wonderful New Year.
Cheers to 2025!!!