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End of Year Info

Posted Date: 5/20/24 (4:14 PM)

8th grade parents: 

I hope your child has had middle school experience! We have loved having them and are excited about the field trip this Friday. 

As we close the year I wanted to reach out to explain how the last week of school works. This week students are reviewing for their exams. Next week we will follow an exam schedule, it can be found here: FINAL EXAM Students are required to come in for their exam blocks. They are permitted to leave campus during break (as they have a longer break). We strongly recommend students attend tutorial, though attendance is only required if a student has a U in a given class. This is an opportunity for them to receive extra help from any of their teachers and be as prepared as possible for the exam. 

All students will need to return their chromebooks, chargers, and cases on the last day of school. We will have stations set up outside of their classrooms. 

With regards to planning for 2024 - 2025, we are still building student schedules, they will be available on PowerSchool in August. 

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to reach out. Have a great summer!

Warm regards,

Sara Kimble

TMHS Principal