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TMHS Email 1/10/2025

Posted Date: 1/10/25 (4:01 PM)

TMHS Weekly Email
Did you miss me??
January 10, 2025
back in the swing
How is it 2025????
Well we started fast and furious and the week flew by. With school back in, sports teams starting back up and traveling, Ski PE starting, and really cold
temps ; it's been quite the week!
So yep we are back in the swing of things!
Note from Superintendent Pandolfo
PowerSchool Data Breach – On January 7, 2025, PowerSchool notified the Telluride School District of a nationwide data breach involving PowerSchool’s Student Information System (SIS) at various school districts. In the days that followed, we have been working with PowerSchool to determine if the breach occurred at our School District. At this time, we are working diligently to review logs and determine the potential impact. PowerSchool will be offering additional communications and support services if it is determined that the Telluride School District has been impacted. We will be reaching out with information as it becomes available to us.
Miner Community Minutes
TMHS Athletics
MS Girls Basketball practice has started. Your student must be completely registered before they can participate in practice. For registration information click here.
 Middle School Girl’s Basketball team that todays practice will be from 3:30-5:30 in the HIGH SCHOOL Gym; Please and Thank You! Hope you have an awesome and restful weekend!
HS Boys and Girls Basketball Team Photos - January 14th at 3:30pm in the TMHS gym.

Home Game Admissions
As we embark on a new year of scholastics and athletics, we have been working with the Booster Club to come up with ways to raise funds for our student-athletes for things that are beyond the allocated budget. To that end, we had to start with basic fundraising initiatives that are common practice in most schools: Concessions & Admissions.  
With the help of our Booster Club, a consistent offering of concessions at our basketball games is now available and appreciated. Boosters will continue to do this throughout the season to help raise money & provide a much-needed amenity to the teams and families.  
Starting on Saturday, January 11, we will re-introduce the pre-pandemic practice of charging a nominal admission fee ($5 per adult, students and kids are free) for our home games. This Saturday’s games will be an optional donation and then we will move forward with making it a standard fee for entry for the remainder of our home games.  
We appreciate your understanding and acknowledging the efforts of our Booster Club on behalf of our student-athletes. ALL of the money raised goes back to help support your child’s student-athlete experience.
Thanks for your support, 
Telluride Athletic Department

The Athletic Game Schedule and more athletic information can be found at
You can follow TMHS Athletics on Instagram and Facebook.
Live Streaming for all home games can be found here.
Winter PE
New Attendance Information
All attendance will be taken at the beginning of Winter PE at 1:15pm on both Thursday and Friday in each Winter PE program. You must be on time and participate to be counted in attendance and receive PE credit. 
If you are participating in Telski Ski PE, you must be on time. Your group will not wait for you. You will not be able to participate in Ski PE if you arrive after your ski group leaves and will have to return to school for your attendance to be recorded. Free skiing is not allowed during Winter PE.
If your student is going to be ABSENT for any reason for Winter PE it is still protocol to call or email Kelly Youngstrom just as you would for any school ansences.
Middle School Dance
Middle School (7th/8th Grade) Dance: 
January 30 
Time: 5-7:30pm
In Cafeteria/Black Box 
Cost: $10 

The theme of this dance is "Winter Wonderland". Some students will dress up, but it is NOT required. We will give class stars for every student who attends. There will also be a raffle. Snacks will be provided, but not dinner. 
Note from District
As we begin the new year, it is essential that all parents and guardians review and update their emergency contact information. In the event of a snow day, emergency, or unexpected situation, we cannot release students to anyone who is not listed as an approved emergency contact. We suggest having at least 3 contacts on file and check the field "school pickup".
Please take a moment to verify that your contact details and designated individuals are up to date. You can update this information by following the instructions below:
  1. Logging into PowerSchool
  2. Navigate to “Forms” on the left-hand side of the screen
  3. Then select “Form A – Demographics and Student Contacts” 

4. Under “Student and Family Contacts” is where you can add, remove, and update emergency contacts. 
5. Once your contacts have been updated, please click “Submit” at the bottom of the page.

If you have questions or need help accessing your account, please reach out to your school’s administrative assistant.
Thank you for your prompt attention to this important matter. Keeping your information current ensures we can respond quickly and appropriately to any situation for the safety and well-being of all students!