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TMHS Email 2/28/2025

Posted Date: 2/28/25 (11:22 PM)

TMHS Weekly Email
Happy Friday
February 28, 2025
Hello Beautiful Sunshine
I know we need the snow; but this sunshine the last two days has completely blessed my soul. I hope you and your families have a wonderful weekend. Thanks for reading up on everything that is happening here at TMHS as it's ALOT!!
25-26 Registration
Time to register for the 25/26 school year! Deadline is March 12th.
Registration for the 25/26 school year is now open. Please scan the QR code here to go to the registration page or click this link

Returning Student Registration. For currently enrolled students who are continuing in the 2025/2026 school year. Log into the TSD PowerSchool parent portal with your existing parent/guardian account to review and update the online registration forms under, “Forms.”. The Forms section can be accessed on the left sidebar of the website or the app by clicking on More and then Forms.
.For returning students the registration process is very simple and will not take long.
Please take advantage of this opportunity to confirm that all contact information is correct and you have at least three emergency contacts on file for your student(s). Please complete all registration paperwork by March 12th. Registering allows administration to know enrollment numbers and begin work on staffing and schedules. You only need to complete 3 forms: A, C and E. 

When entering demographic information please enter as much information as possible, including the Relationship to Student, Custody, Lives With, School Pickup, and Emergency Contact fields. Include at least one phone number and/or email address for each contact. IMPORTANT: For all contacts you wish to receive school communications (email, voice, text) and sure you check the "Receives Mail" box at the bottom of the contact record. Also make sure to enter physical and mailing addresses as appropriate Each contact may have multiple phone numbers, email addresses and addresses.

HS Scheduling
Next week, the counseling department will be working with all upcoming 9-12th grade students (current 8-11th graders) to begin scheduling for next year. Students are actively involved in this process and will choose classes based on THS graduation requirements, teacher recommendations and their personal interests. For this process, we will be using Xello which is our online Career, College and Scheduling Program. If you were not able to attend our Academic Planning Night on Tuesday February 25th, you will find a copy of the presentation along with the 25-26 Course Offerings and THS Academic Planning Guide on the school website at Separate communication will go out about upcoming 7-8th grade scheduling next week. 
On Friday, March 7, all juniors will take the ASVAB (Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery), beginning at 8:15 a.m. on the scheduled half-day. Students will report to class once they complete the exam.
The ASVAB is one of several options for students to meet Colorado’s graduation assessment requirement. While the test is proctored by a representative from the Armed Services, scores are not shared with military recruiters—they are used solely for graduation purposes. A score of 31 or higher on the ASVAB meets the state’s requirement. 
Students can also fulfill the graduation requirement through:

  • SAT: 470 (English) and 480 (Math)
  • ACT: 18 (English) and 19 (Math)
  • AP Exams: Score of 2 or higher in an AP English and AP Math course
Offering the ASVAB in junior year provides students an early opportunity to complete this requirement. Additionally, all juniors will take the state-sponsored SAT for free on Tuesday, April 22, after Spring Break.
For students wishing to preview the test or prepare in advance, sample questions are available here, and a free online ASVAB study guide can be found here.
For more details on Colorado’s graduation requirements, visit the Colorado Department of Education's Menu of College and Career-Ready Demonstrations.
If you have any questions, please reach out to Jenni Ward!
TMHS Town Hall
On March 10th @ 5 pm on zoom and in person at the TMHS library Sara Kimble will host a TMHS town hall on data regarding smart phone use in schools by students and talk about possible procedure shifts for the 2025 - 2026 school year. This is based on information from the book reading of The Anxious Generation, survey data of TMHS students, parents and teachers, Miner Community meetings, and focus group from the book club. 

TMHS Athletics
HS Spring Sports practice has already started. Your student must be completely registered before they can participate in practice. For registration information click here.
MS Coed Track/Field practice starts March 24th. For registration information click here.
Winter Sports Banquet - March 18th at 5pm.
The Athletic Game Schedule and more athletic information can be found at
You can follow TMHS Athletics on Instagram and Facebook.
Live Streaming for all home games can be found here.

As a follow up to the UnBOCES STEAM Fair, the following students represented Telluride School District & the Uncompahgre BOCES at the Western Colorado Regional Science and Engineering Fair this past Friday in Grand Junction! Gin Randolph was lucky enough to be there to support everyone in our BOCES who attended.
Congratulations to these competitors on their accomplishments!
Ingram Olson
6th grade
State Qualifier for April 3-5 Colorado Science Fair!
$100 *Lemelson Foundation Young Inventor's Award
Keaton Koenig
7th grade
Regional Participant
Otto Adolphi
7th grade
Regional Participant
*The Science for Society-Lemelson Early Inventor Prize awards young inventors nationwide whose projects exemplify the ideals of inventive thinking by identifying a challenge in their community and creating a solution that will improve the lives of others.
Thanks again for all of your support with honoring these students love of science,
Gin Randolph and Courtney Price

Spanish Spelling Bee
Please congratulate all the students that participated in the Spanish Spelling Bee today!
Our winners were:
1st place—Alexandra Espinal Martinez (8th grade)
2nd place—Theo Brooks (7th grade)
3rd place—Stefany Hernandez Orraca (6th grade)
I would like to thank all the teachers that supported the student spellers by allowing them to miss class or by bringing their classes to cheer on the contestants. I am also very grateful to Nicole for getting the Palm ready for the event and the teachers that stepped in to judge (Jesus Galindo/Jose Paniagua) and read the words (Maria Martinez/Laura Mariboli)!
Here's a list of our contestants, so that you can congratulate them for participating in the event when you see them:
3rd grade: Valeria de los Santos, Angel Gutierrez Calvo
4th grade: Austin Torres, Melany Jorge Marcos
5th grade: Emiliano de los Santos, Trey Harvey
6th grade: Stefany Hernandez, Ingram Olson
7th grade: Addison Lake, Theo Brooks
8th grade: Alexandra Espinal, Ayleen Servin

Scandinavia Trip
Parent Meeting – March 12th – 5:30pm – TMHS Library
Join us for an unforgettable journey through five of the most stunning countries in Europe! Travel by plane, boat, bus, and train as you explore Scandinavia, immersing yourself in the rich history and culture of each capital city.
Available to current 8th – 11th grade students.
               Please register for the meeting and to get additional information - - -
For more information, please contact Mr. Clark and Mrs. Rosen
CTC Community Conversations
Join CTC and Community Conversations in welcoming Kit Jones for a discussion on supportive parent networks. As an Evaluation Specialist at the Injury and Violence Prevention Center at the Colorado School of Public Health, Kit will share insights on improving communication among parents about underage substance use and prevention. Gain valuable knowledge and practical tools to create your own family safety plan.
Community Info
Community Info:

  • Me & My VIP Dance Party – Thursday, March 13th 5-7 pm at the Black Box. Bring your VIP for an evening of DJ Dancing, Pizza and Fun.
District Dates:
BOE Work Session – March 17th
BOE Monthly Meeting – March 18th
Coffee Talk with the Superintendent – March 20th
District Accountability – March 24th
KOTO Access- March 27th