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TMHS Email 2/7/2025

Posted Date: 2/07/25 (10:20 PM)

TMHS Weekly Email
February 7, 2025
Hello Amazing TMHS Families
When I saw this quote I was struck by how true it is, and how we each need this reminder every day. At TMHS we are making strides to move towards inclusion, belonging, community, and respect; we should all remember not to live in comparison of others and not to take for granted what we have. We are so thrilled to have each of your students in our school, and we appreciate all that you, and this entire community do to support TMHS!
Have a beautiful weekend!
-Mrs. Traci
brown beige
Visitor from Chile
Starting February 10, our School will receive the visit of Carolina Panozo, a visual artist and an art teacher from Antofagasta, Chile. She will be bringing a collection of work showcasing flora and fauna from the Antofagasta region in Chile and will be conducting workshops for students during Spanish classes to create an artistic representation of the flora and fauna from Telluride and our region. This work will culminate with a community event to show all the work our students created. This event will take place on Friday 21st, at 5pm outside the Palm Lobby. Please join us for a night of art, food and culture!

Here is the link to the poster about the community event (is in English and Spanish) I am also attaching the PDF version. Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks!

TLC Week
During the week of February 10-14th, the counseling department and San Miguel Resource Center are holding Teenage Love and Consent (TLC) Week at the high school. Please see the linked Parent Letter from SMRC for more detailed information. 
TLC Week focuses on fostering healthy relationships and navigating consent leading up to Valentine’s Day. We are hoping TLC Week builds protective factors in the form of respecting words and bodies. 

TMHS Athletics
HS Spring Sports practice starts on February 24th. Your student must be completely registered before they can participate in practice. For registration information click here.
MS Coed Track/Field practice starts March 17th. For registration information click here
Winter Sports Banquet - March 18th at 5pm.

The Athletic Game Schedule and more athletic information can be found at
You can follow TMHS Athletics on Instagram and Facebook.
Live Streaming for all home games can be found here.

District Info
  • Butch Cassidy Ski Chase & Nordic Fun Day Saturday February 8
  • Girl Scout Cookies – you can order cookies online or in person (see flyer)
  • Teen Safe Sitter Class – a program for 6th graders and up. An 8 hour workshop that will prepare you with CPR knowledge, 1st aid situational awareness, in addition to childcare skills and money management.