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TMHS Weekly Email 12/6/24

Posted Date: 12/06/24 (4:18 PM)

TMHS Weekly Email
December 6, 2024
snow fact
Let it Snow!!
Well December is here and it seems like the snow is hiding and the sun is happy to hang!! Maybe this snow fact will help us get some fresh powder for all to enjoy! We all know that December is very busy and it seems like it happens twice as fast as any other month. We will keep you posted of all school related happenings thru our Friday email communications!
TMHS The Answers Link
Winter PE
Telski would like to share the following information for those interested in the Jr. Pro Ski PE Program.
The Telluride Ski and Snowboard School will again be offering the “Jr. Pro” track as an alternative to the traditional Ski P.E. program. While skiing with members of the ski school training staff, attendees will develop their communication and skiing skills as they explore the art and science of helping others learn how to become better skiers and riders.
What it is: This program for students 15 years and older. It is an overview that seeks to introduce students to the many facets of being a ski/snowboard instructor. Students will cover the fundamental tenets of the Professional Ski Instructors Association (PSIA) and practice personal ski improvement with a focus on skills new instructors are expected to master. (Think practicing slow maneuvers on green groomed runs…not skiing steep trees or hucking cliffs.)  Students also focus on the progressions necessary to teach an effective lesson. Finally, students will get an introduction to age specific teaching models, and discuss the various pathways to become a fully certified ski instructor.  
What it is not:  Participation in this program should not be considered an offer of future employment at Telluride Ski Resort.  It does not include a PSIA membership or certification; nor does it count towards PSIA certification hours. PSIA membership fees, PSIA class fees, examination fees, transportation and other cost associated with obtaining a certification is solely the responsibility of the student. (For more specific information concerning first steps and the of cost/locations/dates associated with obtaining a PSIA certification see: htts://    
If you are interested Contact:
Kelly Webb:  Assistant Ski School Manager:
Jamie Stewart: TMHS Athletic Assistant:
Please put “Jr. Pro” in the subject line.

TMHS Athletics
MS Girls Basketball is having some open gym times in December. Please email Daniel Davenport for information,
MS Girls Basketball starts practice on January 6th. For information on registration for MS Girls Basketball, please click here.
The Athletic Game Schedule and more athletic information can be found at
You can follow TMHS Athletics on Instagram and Facebook.

Technology Update
Technology Update: We are going through a process to create more student security by having students change and update passwords. We will be starting with the 11th & 12th grade students next week and will be working our way down to 7th grade.  If you have any questions please contact James Taschek
We are going through a process to create more student security by having students change and update passwords. We will be starting with the 11th & 12th grade students next week and will be working our way down to 7th grade.  If you have any questions please contact James Taschek

Miner Dome Broadcasting
Telluride High School’s new Miner Dome Broadcasting club is coming to the airwaves! Tune in on your FM dial or at
TMHS Attendance:
Kelly Youngstrom is our attendance clerk again this year. Please send all attendance communication directly to her for the timeliest action. Also please send as early in the day as possible so teachers will know why your student is missing. The email for Kelly is and the attendance line is 970-369-7204.
Community & District
  • District Accountability Monday 12.9.24 at 5:15 pm click here for more zoom info/agenda below
  1. Welcome and Grounding
  2. Harassment, Bullying, and Hazing
  3. Artificial Intelligence
  4. Bond Implementation Update – Facilities Projects and Housing
  5. Other
  •  Skippy Dental Clinic needs your help. With grant funding ending Skippy is asking for your support to save the important program in schools. Click here for more information.  

SMRC Event
Peer Advocacy-Celebrity Guest
Emmy- nominated actor, professional boxer, and activist Kali Reis is visiting THS next Tuesday during lunch. Kali will be doing an open Q&A with all interested THS students, and will discuss a wide range of topics - from her involvement with the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women Movement; to her experience surviving domestic violence and sexual abuse; to her suggestions navigating bullying, social media, and mental health to create a more connected community. 
This event will be hosted by San Miguel Resource Center, with support from the Peer Advocacy Club and CTC. Please encourage your teen to attend! 
And, be sure to join the free, community-wide discussion later that evening (Tuesday, December 10th from 5-7 at the Telluride Science and Innovation Center). 
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